Thursday June 16, 2016 |
08:45–09:00 | Load Oral Presentations |
09:00–09:15 | Opening Remarks |
09:15–09:40 | The Effect of Multiple Grammatical Errors on Processing Non-Native Writing
Courtney Napoles, Aoife Cahill and Nitin Madnani |
09:40–10:05 | Text Readability Assessment for Second Language Learners
Menglin Xia, Ekaterina Kochmar and Ted Briscoe |
10:05–10:30 | Automatic Generation of Context-Based Fill-in-the-Blank Exercises Using Co-occurrence Likelihoods and Google n-grams
Jennifer Hill and Rahul Simha |
10:30–11:00 | Break |
11:00–11:25 | Automated classification of collaborative problem solving interactions in simulated science tasks
Michael Flor, Su-Youn Yoon, Jiangang Hao, Lei Liu and Alina von Davier |
11:25–11:50 | Computer-assisted stylistic revision with incomplete and noisy feedback. A pilot study
Christian M. Meyer and Johann Frerik Koch |
11:50–12:15 | A Report on the Automatic Evaluation of Scientific Writing Shared Task
Vidas Daudaravicius, Rafael E. Banchs, Elena Volodina and Courtney Napoles |
12:25–02:00 | Lunch |
02:00–02:45 | Poster and Demo Session A |
| Topicality-Based Indices for Essay Scoring
Beata Beigman Klebanov, Michael Flor and Binod Gyawali |
| Predicting the Spelling Difficulty of Words for Language Learners
Lisa Beinborn, Torsten Zesch and Iryna Gurevych |
| Characterizing Text Difficulty with Word Frequencies
Xiaobin Chen and Detmar Meurers |
| Unsupervised Modeling of Topical Relevance in L2 Learner Text
Ronan Cummins, Helen Yannakoudakis and Ted Briscoe |
| UW-Stanford System Description for AESW 2016 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Detection
Dan Flickinger, Michael Goodman and Woodley Packard |
| Shallow Semantic Reasoning from an Incomplete Gold Standard for Learner Language
Levi King and Markus Dickinson |
| The NTNU-YZU System in the AESW Shared Task: Automated Evaluation of Scientific Writing Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Lung-Hao Lee, Bo-Lin Lin, Liang-Chih Yu and Yuen-Hsien Tseng |
| Automated scoring across different modalities
Anastassia Loukina and Aoife Cahill |
| Model Combination for Correcting Preposition Selection Errors
Nitin Madnani, Michael Heilman and Aoife Cahill |
| Pictogrammar: an AAC device based on a semantic grammar
Fernando Martínez-Santiago, Miguel Ángel García Cumbreras, Arturo Montejo Ráez and Manuel Carlos Díaz Galiano |
| Detecting Context Dependence in Exercise Item Candidates Selected from Corpora
Ildikó Pilán |
| Feature-Rich Error Detection in Scientific Writing Using Logistic Regression
Madeline Remse, Mohsen Mesgar and Michael Strube |
| Bundled Gap Filling: A New Paradigm for Unambiguous Cloze Exercises
Michael Wojatzki, Oren Melamud and Torsten Zesch |
02:45–03:30 | Poster and Demo Session B |
| Evaluation Dataset (DT-Grade) and Word Weighting Approach towards Constructed Short Answers Assessment in Tutorial Dialogue Context
Rajendra Banjade, Nabin Maharjan, Nobal Bikram Niraula, Dipesh Gautam, Borhan Samei and Vasile Rus |
| Linguistically Aware Information Retrieval: Providing Input Enrichment for Second Language Learners
Maria Chinkina and Detmar Meurers |
| Enhancing STEM Motivation through Personal and Communal Values: NLP for Assessment of Utility Value in Student Writing
Beata Beigman Klebanov, Jill Burstein, Judith Harackiewicz, Stacy Priniski and Matthew Mulholland |
| Cost-Effectiveness in Building a Low-Resource Morphological Analyzer for Learner Language
Scott Ledbetter and Markus Dickinson |
| Automatically Scoring Tests of Proficiency in Music Instruction
Nitin Madnani, Aoife Cahill and Brian Riordan |
| Combined Tree Kernel-based classifiers for Assessing Quality of Scientific Text
Liliana Mamani Sanchez and Hector-Hugo Franco-Penya |
| Augmenting Course Material with Open Access Textbooks
Smitha Milli and Marti A. Hearst |
| Exploring the Intersection of Short Answer Assessment, Authorship Attribution, and Plagiarism Detection
Björn Rudzewitz |
| Sentence-Level Grammatical Error Identification as Sequence-to-Sequence Correction
Allen Schmaltz, Yoon Kim, Alexander M. Rush and Stuart Shieber |
| Combining Off-the-shelf Grammar and Spelling Tools for the Automatic Evaluation of Scientific Writing (AESW) Shared Task 2016
René Witte and Bahar Sateli |
| Candidate re-ranking for SMT-based grammatical error correction
Zheng Yuan, Ted Briscoe and Mariano Felice |
| Spoken Text Difficulty Estimation Using Linguistic Features
Su-Youn Yoon, Yeonsuk Cho and Diane Napolitano |
| Automatically Extracting Topical Components for a Response-to-Text Writing Assessment
Zahra Rahimi and Diane Litman |
03:30–04:00 | Break |
04:00–04:20 | Sentence Similarity Measures for Fine-Grained Estimation of Topical Relevance in Learner Essays
Marek Rei and Ronan Cummins |
04:20–04:45 | Insights from Russian second language readability classification: complexity-dependent training requirements, and feature evaluation of multiple categories
Robert Reynolds |
04:45–05:10 | Investigating Active Learning for Short-Answer Scoring
Andrea Horbach and Alexis Palmer |
05:10–05:25 | Closing Remarks |